Practical Information
Important Notices

Spaces are limited. While cancellations are non-refundable, substitutions are allowed.

Package Includes
  • Seminar fees and materials
  • 2 nights accommodation at the Boyalık Beach Hotel & SPA, Çeşme
  • Breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, pre-dinner drinks and dinner

The package does not include other cost items, which include without limitation travel costs, room service, room upgrades, early check-in or late check-out.

Non-Turkish Participants

Early Bird Registration: EUR 1,440 (Register before 1 September 2024.)

Standard Registration: EUR 1,640 (Registration will close on 18 October 2024.)

Accompanying persons may join during the Early Bird period for EUR 400, and during the Standard Rate period for EUR 600, covering the double room surcharge and meals.

Turkish Participants

Super Early Bird: TL 51,000 (Register before 1 August 2024.)

During the Super Early Bird period, accompanying persons may join for an additional payment of TL 14,000, covering the double room surcharge and meals.

Early Bird Registration: TL 52,500 (Register before 1 September 2024.)

During the Early Bird period, accompanying persons may join for an additional payment of TL 15,500, covering the double room surcharge and meals.

Standard Registration: TL 59,000 (Register before 1 October 2024.)

During the Standard Rate period, accompanying persons may join for an additional payment of TL 21,500, covering the double room surcharge and meals.

Last Minute Registration: TL 60,500 (Registration will close on 18 October 2024.)

During this last period, accompanying persons may join for an additional payment of TL 23,000, covering the double room surcharge and meals.

Event Schedule
  • Start Time: Friday, 25 October 2024, at 2 p.m. Turkish time (including lunch)
  • End Time: Sunday, 27 October 2024, at 2 p.m. Turkish time (including lunch)
Travel Information

The package does not include travel costs, room service, room upgrades, early check-in, or late check-out. Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements to and from the venue.